Message From Smile

Once upon a time, there was a young lady who had a beauty body. Her name was Belle, she lived lonely in small house because her parents already died in few years ago. Many of villagers knew about her, she was very kind, helpful, and humble too.
At the moment, Belle was cleaning her clothes along the river but in the same time there was a painter who was spying Belle from the other side of river.
“How beautiful you are! I will make a painting which represent you!” said painter with low voices.
The painter just looking at her, he didn’t dare to meet and talked with Belle. However, Belle was a such beautiful girl who made the painter fell in love with. But, her beauty always caused of many problems in the village like there many incidence of infidelity which happened in the village. The majority of husbands always stole the Belle’s concern when their wives didn’t know.
That things made wives thought how to make Belle got out from the village forever. Many ways had been done by the wives but it’s useless. Belle was always saved from the evil plan somehow it happened continuously.
At the moment, Belle received some fruits which was from one of the husbands.
“This is for you, Belle. I bought it from market,” said the husband.
“Oh, the fruits are nice. Thank you!” Belle replied.

The other side, the painter emboldened him to meet with Belle and gave her the painting. The painter knocked the door ‘Knock, knock…’ but no one opened the door, the painter was confuse. He tried once again however the door still closed so he broke the door. Then, he found Belle was lying limp. The painter was very panic, he put down the painting and seeking a help but no one who helped the painter. All of the house’s door were close, the painter just stared at Belle’s face, didn’t know to do, he was very sad. The painter touched the Belle’s forehead and kissed it. Only that he could do for Belle.
“I love you…”
A few years later, there’s some archaeologists who search antique things in old village.
“Look! Come here!” shouted one of the archaeologists.
“What did you find in this house?”
“How beautiful this woman,” the archaeologist replied while he stared at the painting.
“Her smile seem to want to say something.”
“Yeah, I think so. It’s a message from the past.”

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